New Attorney Information

Guide for New Attorneys

Becoming a new attorney in New Jersey can be overwhelming. We’ve put together some basic information on what you need to know as you are starting out in our Guide For New Attorneys — enter your information below to get your copy today!

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Newly Admitted Attorneys — NJSBA Membership Application

Attorneys admitted in 2025 can join the NJSBA for Free. (*First year attorneys also receive free membership to any sections of interest). Download the application or email [email protected].

New Jersey Lawyer Special Edition

View a special edition of the NJSBA’s award-winning magazine New Jersey Lawyer focusing on starting a law practice.

IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey

The IOLTA Rule (Rule 1:28A) applies to attorneys admitted to the Bar of New Jersey who must maintain attorney trust accounts pursuant to Rule 1:21-6. View An Attorney’s Guide to Complying with the IOLTA Rule.

MCLE guidelines

All attorneys must meet certain mandatory continuing legal education requirements every two years. Find out about your requirements.

Pro Bono requirements

New Jersey attorneys are required to provide 25 hours of volunteer service each year. Learn more about these requirements.

New Jersey Lawyers Assistance Program — NJLAP

The New Jersey Lawyers Assistance Program is the free and confidential resource assisting all New Jersey Lawyers, Judges, Law Students, and Law Graduates achieve and maintain personal and professional well being. Call 800-246-5527 or visit

Decisis legal research

NJSBA members have free access to the complete New Jersey law library, including cases of the New Jersey Supreme Court, New Jersey Appellate Division, and New Jersey Law Division, as well as cases from the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Access Decisis. (Login required.)

Volunteer opportunities

The New Jersey State Bar Association, New Jersey State Bar Foundation and New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education offer opportunities for attorneys to volunteer in a variety of ways, including mock trial programs with students, speaking engagements in the community and more.

  • The NJSBA will train you to be a community leader ready to give presentations to local groups about the importance of the legal system and civics in our democracy. Find out more.
  • The New Jersey State Bar Foundation has a speakers bureau that connects lawyers with local groups seeking expert speakers. Find out more.

If you want to volunteer, let us know here: [email protected].


There are always networking opportunities through the NJSBA and its affiliated organizations.

Legal forms

The New Jersey Judiciary has an extensive collection of forms for everything from handling matters in the Appellate Division, Tax Court, family court, civil division, foreclosure, and more. Check out the library.

Getting to court


All NJSBA section and committee members can access the private online communities to ask colleagues questions, learn about job opportunities and connect with mentors and friends. Learn more about it.


  • The New Jersey courts have launched eCourts for several types of cases, including civil, criminal and tax court. Find out more here.
  • The federal district courts use an e-filing system called PACER. Learn more about it.

Free meeting space

The New Jersey Law Center has plenty of space where you can work remotely. Our visitors’ lounge has plenty of seating and free coffee. And NJSBA members can reserve rooms for free for depositions or meetings. Call the Meetings Department to find out more at 732-249-5000.

Helpful resources