News from the NJSBA

Get all the latest news from the NJSBA about the Association, it’s advocacy, people and happenings, as well as statements and press releases about current events.

NJSBA To Host 21st Annual Chancery Reception

Join the NJSBA on Oct. 1 as it welcomes the state's Chancery Division judges and their law clerks for a social reception to start the new term. The event is open to both NJSBA members and non-members. Sitting judges and clerks can attend for free. Register here.

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Tailor How You Receive CommunityNET in Your Inbox

The NJSBA's CommunityNET is a great resource for section and committee members to ask practice questions, share information about services, and much more. Members have the power to set when messages are delivered, either immediately (real time) or once a day (Daily...

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Volunteer Mock Trial Coaches and Judges Needed

The New Jersey State Bar Foundation seeks attorneys to help teachers and coaches prepare their teams for the Vincent J. Apruzzese High School Mock Trial Competition. Attorneys and judges are also needed to judge mock trial rounds this winter. To volunteer, click here.

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Unlock the Value of Your NJSBA Membership

Did you know? NJSBA members have exclusive access to a wide range of resources that help with practice management, mental health and well-being, legal research and more. Click here to get the most out of your NJSBA membership and its member-only discounts on products,...

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 Become an Informed Voter with the NJSBF

With the November elections fast approaching, join the the New Jersey State Bar Foundation on Sept. 17 for a free webinar that will provide a non-partisan overview about the voting process and how to gather information on candidates from trustworthy sources. The...

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