January 15, 2018
Contact: Paula Saha
Director of Communications
NEW BRUNSWICK – The association submitted comments to the Supreme Court Ad Hoc Committee on the Character Review Process, which evaluated the existing system and looked at how it compares to nearby jurisdictions.
The NJSBA agreed with many of the recommendations, including establishing timeframes within which the committee should act, in order to address delays in the process.
The association did encourage that the timeframes be firm, rather than suggested; that review panels should continue to be comprised of three members; and that a periodic review should take place of the effect any changes have on the system, with an eye toward ensuring only candidates with the requisite good character and fitness are admitted to practice in New Jersey.
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Association supports proposed character review changes, urges firm timeframes
Contact: NJSBA Communications Department
Tel: 732-937-7527
Email: [email protected]