March 22, 2017
Contact: Kate Coscarelli
Senior Managing Director Communications
NEW BRUNSWICK – In a letter to New Jersey Governor Christopher J. Christie, the Association urged that workers' compensation judges who have qualified for tenure be renominated and that their names be submitted for Senate consideration.
"With more than a dozen workers' compensation judges who are tenure-eligible, with no action being taken on their status for several years, this negatively impacts the efficient operation of the judiciary, erodes the morale of the judges currently serving in the Division of Workers' Compensation, and diminshes the ability to attract qualified new judges to the Division," NJSBA President Thomas H. Prol said in the letter.
In addition, the NJSBA offered proposals to the Division of Workers' Compensation to promote efficiency in processing formal claims.
Read the letter to Gov. Chris Christie here.
Read the letter to the Divison of Workers' Compensation here.
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NJSBA urges tenure for workers' comp judges, proposals to division
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