Past President’s Perspective

President’s Perspective
Diversion Program Aims to Rehabilitate Nonviolent Defendants with Mental Health Disorders
New Jersey Lawyer No. 346/February 2024

President’s Perspective
Access to Justice Remains at the Forefront of the NJSBA’s Mission
New Jersey Lawyer No. 345/December 2023

President’s Perspective
For Attorneys, AI is the Next Big Turning Point in the Law
New Jersey Lawyer No. 344/October 2023

President’s Perspective
Making Strides in Mental Health Support
New Jersey Lawyer No. 343/August 2023

President’s Perspective
Back to Basics: Focusing on the NJSBA Mission
New Jersey Lawyer No. 342/June 2023

President’s Perspective
Reflecting on a Year of Service with Gratitude
New Jersey Lawyer No. 347/April 2024

President’s Perspective
Diversion Program Aims to Rehabilitate Nonviolent Defendants with Mental Health Disorders
New Jersey Lawyer No. 346/February 2024

President’s Perspective
Access to Justice Remains at the Forefront of the NJSBA’s Mission
New Jersey Lawyer No. 345/December 2023

President’s Perspective
For Attorneys, AI is the Next Big Turning Point in the Law
New Jersey Lawyer No. 344/October 2023

President’s Perspective
Making Strides in Mental Health Support
New Jersey Lawyer No. 343/August 2023

President’s Perspective
Back to Basics: Focusing on the NJSBA Mission
New Jersey Lawyer No. 342/June 2023

President’s Perspective
We Worked for It All, as a Team. And We’ll Keep Going
New Jersey Lawyer No. 341/April 2023

President’s Perspective
Indigent Litigants Have the Right to Effective Counsel – The Time Has Come to End Madden System
New Jersey Lawyer No. 340/February 2023

President’s Perspective
6 Months in, Progress on Putting Lawyers First, Judicial Vacancies
New Jersey Lawyer No. 339/December 2022

President’s Perspective
Let’s Work together to Navigate Our Professional Responsibilities
New Jersey Lawyer No. 338/October 2022

President’s Perspective
Task Force Working Toward Positive Change for Lawyers
New Jersey Lawyer No. 337/August 2022

President’s Perspective
Why Putting Lawyers First Matters
New Jersey Lawyer No. 336/June 2022


President’s Perspective
New Lawyers Find a Vibrant Community in the NJSBA
New Jersey Lawyer No. 335/April 2022
President’s Perspective
Honoring Justice LaVecchia’s Distinguished Service and Commitment to Public Service
New Jersey Lawyer No. 334/February 2022
President’s Perspective
NJSBA Advocates for More Nuanced Analysis, Variety of Sanctions for Wilson Rule
New Jersey Lawyer No. 333/December 2021
President’s Perspective
Impacting Judicial System and the Way We Practice Through Persevering Advocacy
New Jersey Lawyer No. 332/October 2021
President’s Perspective
Law Center Reopening Symbolic of Crafting the Best Path Forward
New Jersey Lawyer No. 331/August 2021 

President’s Perspective
Focusing on Judicial Vacancies, Pandemic Fall-Out and Recovery, and Lawyer Wellness in the Year Ahead
New Jersey Lawyer No. 330/June, 2021

President’s Perspective
Now More Than Ever, New Jersey Urgently Needs a Full Bench to Ease Case Backlog
New Jersey Lawyer No. 329/April 2021

President’s Perspective
Hear Us. Recognize Us. The Power of Women Speaking Up
New Jersey Lawyer No. 328/February 2021

President’s Perspective
Minding the Details While Learning to Lead Amid a Pandemic
New Jersey Lawyer No. 327/December 2020

President’s Perspective
As Sworn Guardians of the Constitution, Be a Part of the United States’ Democratic Experiment – Make a Plan to Vote
New Jersey Lawyer No. 326/October 2020

President’s Perspective
What Can We Do Together to Effect Change?
New Jersey Lawyer Vol. 325/August 2020

President’s Perspective
The NJSBA is a Beacon to Light, Guide, Unite and Champion New Jersey’s Legal Community in the Year Ahead
New Jersey Lawyer No. 324/June, 2020

President’s Perspective
Serving you and each other in challenging times
New Jersey Lawyer No. 323/April 2020

President’s Perspective
NJSBA to Offer Practice Management Help – PracticeHQ Consultations, Resource Bank, will be Free for Our Members
New Jersey Lawyer No. 322/February 2020

President’s Perspective
50 Years of Service to Ensure New Jersey’s Bench and Slat of Prosecutors are Top-Notch
New Jersey Lawyer No. 321/December 2019

President’s Perspective
Volunteer Today to be a Part of NJSBA Law Day Events
New Jersey Lawyer No. 320/October 2019

President’s Perspective
Calling All New Jersey Lawyers to Fight Hunger
New Jersey Lawyer No. 319/August, 2019

President’s Perspective
Focusing on Due Process for All and a Historic Chapter in NJSBA History
New Jersey Lawyer No. 318/June, 2019

Speaking Up for a Noble Profession and Fairness
New Jersey Lawyer No. 317/April 2019

President’s Perspective
The Value of Listening
New Jersey Lawyer No. 316/February 2019

President’s Perspective

Commitment to Professionalism Critical for All Attorneys

New Jersey Lawyer No. 315/December 2018

President’s Perspective

NJSBA Mentor Match Needs You
New Jersey Lawyer No. 314/October 2018
Doing Good Together, for the NJSBA and Profession
New Jersey Lawyer No. 313/August 2018

Leading Lawyers Forward, Together
John E. Keefe Jr. became the 120th president of the New Jersey State Bar Association at the Annual Meeting and Convention in Atlantic City last month. This is an excerpt of his installation speech.

New Jersey Lawyer No. 312/June 2018

President’s Perspective
Reflection on a Year of Accomplishments
Dedication of NJSBA Volunteers is a Formidable Force and Leaves a Lasting Legacy
New Jersey Lawyer No. 311/April 2018

President’s Perspective
Zealous, But Thoughtful, Advocacy is the Hallmark of NJSBA
New Jersey Lawyer No. 310/February 2018

President’s Perspective
Fairness for Professionals – Protection for Consumers
New Jersey Lawyer No. 309/December 2017

President’s Perspective
Pro Bono at the NJSBA – Reflecting on the Association’s Vision of Public Good
New Jersey Lawyer No. 308/October 2017

President’s Perspective
NJSBA Taking a Proactive Stand to Support Garden State Attorneys
New Jersey Lawyer No. 307/August, 2017

President’s Perspective
President Hille Vows Commitment to NJSBA Members and its Mission
New Jersey Lawyer No. 306/June, 2017

President’s Perspective
Prol Reflects on a Successful year of Advocacy and the Pursuit of Justice for All
New Jersey Lawyer No. 305/April, 2017
President’s Perspective
Offering Information and Guidance for all Attorneys on Immigration Law Issues
New Jersey Lawyer No. 304/February, 2017

President’s Perspective
NJSBA Providing Information, Resources to Members
New Jersey Lawyer No. 303/December, 2016
President’s Perspective
NJSBA Amicus Position in Spill Case Protects Attorneys
New Jersey Lawyer No. 302/October 2016
President’s Perspective
NJSBA Members Play a Central Role in Amicus Advocacy
New Jersey Lawyer No. 301/August 2016
The Role of Diversity in Pursuit of the “More Perfect Union”

New Jersey Lawyer No. 300/June 2016

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Reflecting on a Successful Year
New Jersey Lawyer No. 299/April 2016

NJSBA President’s Perspective
NJSBA Spearheads Efforts to Improve Community and Profession
New Jersey Lawyer No. 298/February 2016

NJSBA President’s Perspective
NJSBA Remains Vigilant in Protection Values of Legal System
New Jersey Lawyer No. 297/December 2015

NJSBA President’s Perspective
NJSBA-Together: We Succeed
New Jersey Lawyer No. 296/October 2015

NJSBA President’s Perspective
A Look at the Year Ahead
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 295/August 2015

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Marking the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 294/June 2015

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Marking the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 294/June 2015

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Tackling Life’s Transitions – NJSBA Efforts Impact Attorneys and Those We Serve
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 292/February 2015

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Lawyers Feeding New Jersey  Shines a Spotlight on Generosity of Legal Profession
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 291/December 2014

NJSBA President’s Prespective
Lawyers Feeding New Jersey Fundraising Effort to Fight Crisis of Hunger
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 290/October 2014

NJSBA President’s Perspective
The NJSBA is Making a Difference; Be a Part of It
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 289/August 2014

NJSBA President’s Perspective
In the Year Ahead, the NJSBA Will Focus on Key Issues Facing Legal Profession
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 288/June 2014

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Chief Justice Rabner Has Led Admirably; Deserves Reappointment
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 286/February 2014

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Tenure Appointments Support Independent Judiciary
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 285/December 2013

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Task Force to Open on Judicial Independence
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 284/October 2013

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Politicization of the Courts Poses Critical Threat to Judicial Independence
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 283/August 2013

NJSBA President’s Perspective
Celebrating the New Jersey Lawyer
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine No. 282/June 2013

NJSBA President’s Message
Ralp J. Lamparello Installation Speech
May 16, 2013


Founded in 1899, the NJSBA is the largest organization of attorneys, judges and legal professionals in New Jersey. At the core of our mission is improving the lives of our members, advancing the rule of law and serving as the voice of the profession. With 85 sections and committees, the NJSBA allows attorneys to benefit from being part of the most wide-reaching legal association in the state, while still cultivating expertise and building networks within specialized practice areas.



The New Jersey State Bar Association is committed to promoting and fostering a diverse and inclusive bar association. The Association recognizes that the broad concept of diversity includes race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age and disability. The NJSBA fosters and promotes an inclusive environment that gives value to the unique contributions of diverse individuals and organizations in all aspects of the Association.

Learn More


The NJSBA Legal and  Government Affairs Department serves as the liaison between NJSBA members and the state’s three branches of government.


The New Jersey Law Center is located at 1 Constitution Sq, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901. Need directions to the Law Center? Click on the button below to get started right away.

Contact NJSBA

NJSBA Contact Us Form
If you're looking for an attorney, click here for help.

If you cannot afford an attorney and have a civil matter, click here for Legal Services of New Jersey.

Looking for information about a specific lawyer? Contact the Lawyer’s Fund for Client Protection at 855-533-3863.

Have a complaint about a lawyer? Visit the Office of Attorney Ethics website. Select “Attorney Discipline” from the navigation bar for discipline of attorneys.

Contact Info

One Constitution Square
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday

Fax 732-249-2815

Email us

NJSBA Meetings and Events Calendar

From section, committee and division meetings with valuable CLE credit, to receptions and dinners and special events, the New Jersey State Bar Association regularly holds meetings so our members can meet their mandatory CLE requirements and network with the state’s largest attorney membership.

View Calendar

2024 Mid-Year Meeting

The New Jersey State Bar Association is thrilled to announce the 2024 Mid-Year Meeting will be held in Dublin, Ireland at The Shelbourne Hotel, Nov. 2-9.

View more information

2025 Family Law Retreat

The New Jersey State Bar Association is thrilled to announce the 2025 Family Law Retreat will be held in Mexico, San José del Cabo from March 23-27.

More Information

Practice HQ Training Events

Lawyers aren't taught practice management skills, and the NJSBA is here to fill the gap — no matter whether you are just starting out, mid-career or thinking about wrapping up their practices. Our PracitceHQ is here to help with webinars, informative articles, free consultations, comparison charts and so much more.

Practice HQ Training Events


The new NJSBA member benefit Decisis will help you level-up your legal research.

Decisis gives members access to a robust database of local and federal case law is necessary information often used to structure your case. Decisis provides industry-leading tools to make legal research easier and more intuitive, and it’s a free benefit to all active New Jersey State Bar Association members.

Decisis Training Events

Networking Events

The NJSBA provides a host of networking events so members can maintain relationships with existing colleagues and make new connects. Join us at a baseball game, the hockey arena, for a community service project, or another event.

Upcoming Networking Events

Benefits Of Membership

As a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA), you will join a powerful network of 16,000 legal professionals across the state of New Jersey. NJSBA membership grants you access to year-round virtual and in-person networking events, leadership and professional development opportunities, member-only discounts, educational resources to help you stay in the know and much more!

Practice Management Tools

The NJSBA provides tools lawyers need to improve their practice, from our comprehensive PracticeHQ library of resources; a career center to find your next colleague or opportunity; an intuitive and high-powered legal research platform; and a robust Member Assistance Program to connect members, and those who live in their households, with experienced counselors and resources to address mental health needs.



As an NJSBA member, you'll become part of the collective power of the NJSBA network, giving you the ability to influence legislation and caselaw in New Jersey. Let’s work together to shape the future and solve critical issues facing attorneys and the public.

Become a Member Today!


Membership helps you build and maintain a powerful network through our in-person and online events with attorneys all over the state.


Become a Member Today!

Become A Partner Organization

The New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) offers an exclusive partnership opportunity to amplify your organization’s impact and drive success. By harnessing the power of the NJSBA legal community, you can connect with our vibrant network of 16,000 legal professionals from 35+ different areas of practice, unlocking unparalleled opportunities for growth and achievement.


News and Press Publications

Learn more about the accomplishments of the Association, its members and events from regular news updates, press releases, and our award-winning magazine.



Read the comments, reports, resolutions and Board of Trustee news from the state’s largest organization of lawyers, judges and legal professionals.


Statements and Positions

The NJSBA is the voice of the profession and takes public positions on a range of issues with the legal community and government officials. It also takes positions on legislation and files friend-of-the-court briefs on matters that impact the profession. 

Photo Galleries

Check out photos from recent NJSBA events.

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