Construction Law Fundamentals

Category: On Demand

Member Price: $208

Non-Member Price: $260

Product Code: ON060224

Areas of Law: Construction

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 4 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ General: 4.0).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Transitional: 4.0
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 3.0
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.



Matthew D. Lakind, Esq.
Tesser & Cohen, Hackensack
Stephanie G. Reckord, Esq.
Partner, Litigation Department
Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis, Woodbridge


Gary C. Chiumento, Esq.
The Chiumento Law Group, LLC, Marmora
Danielle E. Cohen, Esq.
Tesser & Cohen, Hackensack
Michael A. McDonough, Esq.
Ferro Labella & Weiss LLC, Hackensack
Steven Nudelman, Esq.
Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis, Red Bank

People often think of construction law as the law governing multi-million dollar commercial developments. However, many construction law claims in New Jersey arise out of problems that occur with smaller projects such as home remodeling or office renovations. The potential for liability is wide-ranging and can arise from the conduct of the contractor, the design professional or even the owner and can be in either the public or private sector.

This course has been developed by some of New Jersey’s most respected construction law attorneys and other thought leaders to provide New Jersey lawyers with a functional, working knowledge of New Jersey construction law - from the initial contract drafting to the filing and advancement of a construction claim. As an attendee, you will learn everything you need to know about standard clauses that will help your client avoid trouble, how to advise your clients re: change orders and extras, and how to guard against unforeseen changes such as differing site conditions and pre and post contract and work delays. You’ll also pick up highly effective strategies to handle construction situations when a dispute arises, dispute resolution proceedings, proving or defending damage claims and more.

Build a solid foundation in construction law. Register today!

Program Agenda:

  • 1:00 | Welcome
  • 1:05 | General Overview of Construction Players and Contract Relationships
  • 1:35 | Public Bidding and Bond Concerns
  • 2:05 | Key Contract Provisions from a General Contractor’s Perspective
  • 2:35 | Break
  • 2:45 | The Sub-contractor’s Perspective and Key Contract Provisions
  • 3:15 | Examining Legal Issues and Litigation of Contract Disputes
    - changed conditions
    - default & termination
    - documentation
    - delays and acceleration
    - payment and change order claims
    - warranties
  • 4:00 | ADR: Arbitration, Litigation, Mediation, etc.
    - advantages, disadvantages and practical considerations
  • 4:30 | Q&A and Wrap Up
  • 4:35 | Adjourn