Amicus Committee

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Reviews requests that the NJSBA become involved in matters presently pending before New Jersey and federal courts and recommends to the Board of Trustees whether the Association should appear as an amicus party in the litigation. Coordinates the effort to file briefs of the highest possible quality upon request of the Board.

Alexandra V. Gallo
O’Toole Scrivo, LLC
14 Village Park Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
(973) 239-5700

Vice Chair
Richard Klineburger
Klineburger & Nussey
Suite 100
38 Haddon Avenue
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
(856) 428-7000


Christine A. Amalfe
Gerald H. Baker
Hon. Glenn Berman, (Ret.)
Douglas S. Brierley
George W. Conk
John F. DeBartolo
Thomas DeCataldo, Jr.
Timothy E. Dinan
Michael G. Donahue
Eli L. Eytan
Christine Fitzgerald
Bonnie C. Frost
Peter J. Gallagher
Jeffrey Evan Gold
CJ Griffin
Janice L. Heinold
Robert B. Hille
Craig J. Hubert
John W. Kaveney
Christopher J. Keating
John E. Keefe, Jr.
Flavio L. Komuves
William A. Krais
Lawrence Krayn, Jr.
Linda Lashbrook
James A. Lewis, V
Ronald G. Lieberman
Scott R. Malyk
Diana C. Manning
Ron McCormick
Timothy F. McGoughran
William H. Mergner, Jr.
Catherine Ansello Murphy
Hon. Edward M. Neafsey (Ret.)
Matheu D. Nunn
Michael R. Paglione
Brian G. Paul
Jared M. Placitella
Michael J. Plata
Thomas H. Prol
Daniel E. Rosner
Rajeh A. Saadeh
Jessica Ragno Sprague
G. Glennon Troublefield
Ronald J. Uzdavinis
Amy Vasquez
Cindy N. Vogelman
Cassandra Jahnke Walsh
David L. Wikstrom
Miles S. Winder, III