Legislative Committee

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Assists the Board of Trustees in the formulation of legislative policy by reviewing section and committee recommendations on legislation. The committee analyzes the legal and political implications of legislation on NJSBA membership and on the public generally.

Robin C. Bogan
Pallarino & Bogan LLP
1719 Route 10 East
Suite 114
Parsippany, NJ 07054

Thomas J. Manzo
Szaferman Lakind Blumstein & Blader PC
101 Grovers Mill Road
Suite 200
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Vice Chair
Jamie Zug
McCarter & English
Four Gateway Center
100 Mulberry Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Seth Abrams
Judith Q. Bielan
Michael Burke
Steven R. Cohen
Rafael J. Corbalan
Frank D. DeRienzo
James J. DiGiulio
Michael G. Donahue
Eli L. Eytan
Jeffrey Fiorello
Ryan J. Gaffney
James J. Gerrow, Jr.
Stacey Gorin
Michael R. Griffith
Stephanie F. Hagan
Dr. Nancy Halpern
Leonard V. Jones
Charles J X. Kahwaty
John M. Keating
Christopher J. Keating
Megan B. Kilzy
Richard F. Klineburger, III
Philip W. Lamparello
Robert E. Laux
James A. Lewis, V
Eugenia Lynch
Cheryl A. Maccaroni
Ron McCormick
Timothy F. McGoughran
Melinda D. Middlebrooks
William P. Miller
Susan L. Nardone
Sonia Y. Norman Johnson
Michael R. Paglione
Joseph Paravecchia
Thomas H. Prol
Dara A. Quattrone
Joshua H. Reinitz
Hon. Susan G. Roy
Kimberly A. Schultz
Sheryl J. Seiden
John L. Shahdanian, II
Debra S. Weisberg
Audrey D. Wisotsky
John T. Wolak
Brett E. Yore