Vive Le Difference! Work in France et Les États-Unis

Date: Nov 8, 2023 8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

Location: Online

Member Price: $0.00

Non-Member Price: $0.00

Event Code: MY23009

Areas of Law: For All Attorneys




Peter L. Frattarelli, Esq.
Archer & Greiner PC, Voorhees


Domenick Carmagnola, Esq.
Carmagnola & Ritardi, LLC, Morristown
Karol Corbin Walker, Esq.
Kaufman Dolowich, Hackensack
Séverine Martel
John L. Shahdanian, II, Esq.
Trenk Isabel Siddiqi & Shahdanian, Hackensack

Vive Le Difference! Work in France et Les États-Unis

Nov. 8 | 8:30 – 9:45 a.m. | Mozart

This presentation will examine labor and employment law through the eyes of French workers and employers including the changes in the pension law that led to recent protests. The speakers will also compare French law to similar laws and issues in New Jersey and provide an update on New Jersey law.

Peter L. Frattarelli, Esq.
Archer & Greiner P.C., Voorhees

Featured Speaker:
Séverine Martel, Esq.
Reed Smith, LLP, Paris

Domenick Carmagnola, Esq., NJSBA Past President
Carmagnola & Ritardi LLC, Morristown
John L. Shahdanian II, Esq.
Trenk Isabel Siddiqi & Shahdanian, PC, Livingston
Karol Corbin Walker, Esq., NJSBA Past President
Kaufman Dolowich Voluck LLP, Hackensack

NJ CLE: This program has been approved for 1.5 credits (50 minute hour)
NY CLE (Non-transitional): 1.5 professional practice credits
PA CLE: 1.0 substantive credit pending ($4 fee – separate check payable to NJICLE must be submitted at the end of the program)

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 1.5 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ General: 1.5).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Non-Transitional: 1.5

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If you need to cancel your registration and are not transferring to another program or date, please submit a written request to us at least three business days before the event, meeting, or gathering. You will receive a refund minus a $20.00 cancellation fee. No refunds or registration changes will be issued within three business days of the event, meeting, or gathering.

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