Membership Benefits: Networking and Education


NJSBA members stay connected with CommunityNET, a social network that enables secure email groups, file sharing, blogs and communities for sections, committees and the Young Lawyers Division.

Continuing Legal Education

All New Jersey attorneys are required to take CLE courses that fulfill Supreme Court requirements. Both the NJSBA and NJICLE are New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania accredited CLE providers.

NJSBA members save up to 20 percent on New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE) programs and products.

Section, Committee and Young Lawyers Division Membership

From dispute resolution, to workers’ compensation, to children’s rights, the NJSBA has over 30 practice-oriented sections and more than 40 committees which represent a diverse spectrum of law, affording its members many career-building opportunities.  For attorneys who are younger than 36 or have practiced ten years or less, the Young Lawyers Division provides New Jersey’s newest lawyers with an opportunity to network and to enhance their professional development.

Members Learning Opportunities

NJSBA affinity partners provide free webinars for members on many topics to improve their practice, their knowledge of current technologies, and to help learn how to fully utilize all features of the benefit being offered.

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