NJSBA Membership: Join A Section

From dispute resolution, to workers’ compensation, to child welfare law, the NJSBA has 36 practice-oriented sections which represent a diverse spectrum of law, affording its members many career-building opportunities. For attorneys who are younger than 36 or have practiced for less than ten years, the Young Lawyers Division provides New Jersey’s newest lawyers with an opportunity to network and to enhance their professional development.

As a section or division member you will have the opportunity to:

  • Join connected communities for networking and information.
  • Keep abreast of the latest developments in your practice area through seminars, workshops, newsletters and social and networking events.
  • Receive valuable discounts for related ICLE programs.
    Participate in the legislative process by reviewing pending legislation and assisting the leadership in recommending new laws or changing existing laws.
  • Attend the prestigious Annual and Mid-Year meetings.

Select A Section From The List Below To Join Today!

WEB - Join a Section