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New Jersey Lawyer looks at the dynamics of animal law

The October issue of New Jersey Lawyer explores the vibrant practice of animal law in New Jersey across 10 articles written by some of the state’s most knowledgeable attorneys.

The edition, published by the New Jersey State Bar Association, covers topics ranging from disputes over companion animals and providing for pets in an estate plan, to the ways state law can help prevent the extinction of certain animals. Several authors are members of the NJSBA’s Animal Welfare Special Committee – a group of active and passionate professionals dedicated to advancing legal protections for animals – and the Animal Health, Welfare, Agriculture and Veterinary Practice Special Committee, formed to protect animals and the rights of animal owners and veterinarians.

The issue includes practice tips on the state’s evolving attitude toward disbarment, tricks for using Microsoft Word and adding a paralegal to your practice. Retired Superior Court Judge Nelson Johnson, the acclaimed author of the book that inspired the HBO series Boardwalk Empire, shares thoughts on how attorneys can write and argue better. NJSBA President Timothy F. McGoughran also reports on how artificial intelligence is changing the practice of law.

Here is a full list of articles from the edition:

• Animal Law 101: The Consequences of Enhanced Animal Protective Laws – By Nancy Halpern.
• Houseman and Beyond: Litigating Disputes Over Companion Animals – By Gina Calogero.
• Domestic Violence and Pets: Why Does the Dog Matter to Your Family Practice? – By Michelle Newton.
• The Dog Ate My Kids’ Inheritance: Providing for Pets in an Estate Plan – By G. Warren Whitaker.
• Paw Prints on our Hearts: Emotional Distress Damages for Pet Loss in New Jersey – By Emerald E. Sheay.
• Tails of Disaster Preparedness: A Case Study of the PETS Act – By Jacob V. (Jake) Hudnut.
• Is It Time to Move Animal Cruelty Laws From Title 4, Agriculture and Domestic Animals, into Title 2C, the Code of Criminal Justice? – By Olivia Belfatto Crisp.
• Remedies Under New Jersey Law to Help Avert the Extinction Crisis – By Paul Tartanella and Kathleen Applegate.
• Courts Beginning to Recognize Needs of Highly Intelligent Species – By Julian F. Gorelli.
• ‘Cocaine Hippos’ and the Quest for Legal Personhood – By Thomas A. Leach and Doris Lin.

The full issue of New Jersey Lawyer is available on

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