Contact: Cynthia Pellegrino
February 10, 2017
NEW BRUNSWICK-The New Jersey State Bar Foundation's Nominating Committee is inviting State Bar Association members and non-lawyers to submit their resumes for consideration for positions on the Foundation's Board of Trustees. Each nominated trustee will serve for a one-year term beginning at the close of business on June 7, 2017. Trustees are eligible to serve a maximum of eight terms on the Board. In addition, there is a vacancy for a one-year term for the position of Secretary to be filled by a current Foundation trustee.
The New Jersey State Bar Foundation, the charitable and educational arm of the New Jersey State Bar Association, provides a wide variety of free, law-related education services to the public. The Foundation’s mission is: to foster an increased awareness, appreciation and knowledge of law and the legal system among New Jersey residents; to serve as the statewide resource for law-related education for the public; to provide opportunities for lawyers to serve the public through the Foundation’s programs; to foster professionalism and pride in the profession of law through public service.
With generous support from the legal community, as well as funding from the IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey, the Foundation was able to continue to broaden its reach to New Jersey residents last year. Nearly 2.3 million copies of Foundation written or sponsored publications are distributed to the public, including the school-based publications, The Legal Eagle and the Respect newsletter. Some 1,500 teachers received training through the Foundation’s programs last year to help them teach the law in their classrooms and instill in their students the skills needed to resolve conflict without resorting to violence. The Foundation also provides grants to other nonprofit organizations for free programs that educate the public about the law, and sponsors mortgage foreclosure defense programs at New Jersey’s law schools.
Attorney candidates for the Foundation Board must be members of the New Jersey State Bar Association. Non-attorneys are also eligible to be trustees of the Foundation. All interested candidates must request a questionnaire by sending an email to Cynthia Pellegrino at [email protected] or calling 732-937-7507. Completed questionnaires must be returned to the Foundation no later than March 24, 2017.
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New Jersey State Bar Foundation solicits candidates for Board of Trustees
Contact: NJSBA Communications Department
Tel: 732-937-7527
Email: [email protected]