Opening or Closing a Law Firm

Opening or Closing a Law Firm
Launching a new firm or “hanging out a shingle” is not just for newly-minted attorneys. Maybe you’ve practiced in a firm for a while and have decided to go out on your own. There’s certainly a lot to know. Where do you start? The materials in this section start you down the right path and make sure vital considerations aren’t overlooked. And, if you’re on the other end of your career, ready to close or sell a practice, these materials will help you there too.

•  8 Proven Steps To Double Your Referrals
•  A Guide To Marketing Your Law Firm On Facebook
•  A Lawyer’s Guide For Buying A Desktop
•  A Lawyer’s Guide For Buying A Laptop
•  Acquire A Search Program or A Discounted Management System
•  Basic Accounting Information You Need to Understand
•  Build a Code-Free Website
•  Building a Technology Budget
•  DIY
•  Getting the Best Deals on Legal Technology
•  How To Make Your Website The Hub Of A Successful Online Legal Marketing Strategy
•  How To Manage Leads and Convert Prospects Into Paying Clients
•  In-House or Hosted Servers: Are You Making the Right Choice
•  Making Documents ADA Accessible
•  Managing Your Documents Without A Document Management System
•  Microsoft Publisher Introduction for Lawyers
•  My Accountant Wants Me to Use QuickBooks
•  Notebook vs Desktop
•  Recruitment and Retention
•  Sale of a Practice – NJICLE 2018 Senior Lawyers Conference
•  Training
•  Types of Notebook Computers
•  What is Microsoft Exchange?
•  When Do You Need a Server?
•  Why Lawyers Should Keep Track of Time 
•  Why You Need an Accounting Program
•  Why You Need Practice Management
•  Why Template Building Is Critical For All Law Offices
•  Why The Cloud Is Important For Disaster Avoidance
•  Why Succession Planning Matters
•  Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace

•  Closing a Law Firm
•  Employee Onboarding Plan
•  Merging Law Firms
•  New Firm Technology
•  Starting a Firm
•  Succession Planning

•  Answering Service Comparison Chart
•  Cloud Document Storage Comparison Chart
•  Encryption Services Comparison Chart
•  E-Signature Services Comparison Chart
•  Google Workspace vs. Microsoft 365 Comparison Chart
•  Live Chat Services
•  Office365 Comparison Chart
•  Password Managers Comparison
•  PDF Programs Comparison Chart
•  PDF Programs for Mac Feature Comparison Chart
•  VoIP Vendor Comparison Chart
•  VPN Services Comparison Chart
•  Web Meeting Vendor Comparison Chart

Trustee Materials

New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education
For over 50 years, the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, a division of the NJSBA, has served the needs of the New Jersey bench and bar. From presenting over 300 live seminars and printing dozens of legal manuals each year to publishing hundreds of CLE On-Demand videos and other educational tools, our products are specifically designed to provide the latest strategies, expert advice and guidance to practitioners at every stage of their career. Find out more here.

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