New Jersey Trial & Evidence (2009 Bound book)

2009 Bound Book

Member Price: $169
Non-Member Price: $209

Authors Include:
Richard E. Brennan, Esq.
Abbott S. Brown, Esq.
Frank F. Calo, III, Esq.
Thomas F. Campion, Esq
Donald A. DiGioia, Esq.
Michael A. Galpern, Esq.
Peter Green, Esq.
James Hely, Esq. Mary Sue Henifin, Esq.
Matthew K. Mitchell, Esq.
Hon. Joseph H. Rodriguez, USDJ
Gilbert J. Scutti, Esq.
Yves C. Veenstra, Esq.
Karol Corbin Walker, Esq.
Vincent S. Ziccolella, Esq.


About the Treatise:
The “Dream Team,” comprised of 15 of the state’s most highly respected litigators, provides insight on the New Jersey Rules of Evidence in this new practice manual. Drawing upon their high level of expertise and decades of courtroom experience, the authors present a detailed analysis of each New Jersey Rule of Evidence, and comparisons to the Federal Rules of Evidence. This essential volume is organized in the same order as the Rules themselves, making it easy to research your questions. The manual also includes a discussion of applicable case law and relevant trial topics such as openings, closings, and voir dire. Update service provided.

The “Dream Team” Analyzes The Rules Of Evidence & Other Trial Topics, With Practice Tips That Will Give You The Competitive Advantage…
• Thomas F. Campion, Esq. on Opening Statements
• Gilbert J. Scutti, Esq. on General Provisions and Constraints on Making Record
• Richard E. Brennan, Esq. on Judicial Notice
• Gilbert J. Scutti, Esq. on Presumptions and Burdens
• James Hely, Esq. and Donald A. DiGioia, Esq. on Relevancy, Prejudice or Other Countervailing Factors
• Barry A. Knopf, Esq. on Character Proof and Impeachment
• Karol Corbin Walker, Esq. and Vincent S. Ziccolella, Esq. on Privileges
• Yves C. Veenstra, Esq. and Frank F. Calo, III, Esq. on Competency and Personal Knowledge
• Richard E. Brennan, Esq.; Abbott S. Brown, Esq.; and Mary Sue Henifin, Esq. on Expert and Lay Witness Testimony
• Matthew K. Mitchell, Esq. on Hearsay
• Hon. Joseph H. Rodriguez, USDJ on Authentication and Best Evidence Rules
• Michael A. Galpern, Esq. on Voir Dire
• Hon. Joseph H. Rodriguez, USDJ on Closing Statements

Why Every Trial Attorney Should Have This Manual
1. It will be your single resource for finding the answers to any evidence questions that may arise in any civil or criminal case.
2. It puts the rules, case law, and statutes that govern the introduction and use of evidence in New Jersey Courts at your fingertips.
3. You can use it to identify the foundation requirements and examination techniques for successfully introducing evidence at trial.
4. You can use it to compare the New Jersey Rules of Evidence with the Federal Rules of Evidence.
5. There is no faster or better way to research and understand evidence law in New Jersey.
6. Benefit from the knowledge of some of the state’s leading litigators as they guide you through the minefield of developing New Jersey evidence law.
7. The user-friendly format, Table of Cases, and topical index will make your research easier than ever!



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Table of contents: click here



Member Price:
Non-Member Price: $209