Select Issues in PIP Practice

Category: On Demand

Member Price: $208

Non-Member Price: $260

Product Code: ON013224

Areas of Law: Civil

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 4 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ General: 4.0).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Non-Transitional: 4.0
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 3.0
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.



Robert A. Cappuzzo, Esq.
Chasan Lamparello Mallon & Cappuzzo, PC, Secaucus


Shannon Carroll, Esq.
Brach Eichler LLC, Roseland
Nicole R. Cassata, Esq.
Chasan Lamparello Mallon & Cappuzzo, PC, Secaucus
Mark T. Connell, Esq.
Director New Jersey Arbitration/Operations Counsel
Forthright, Somerset
Patricia W. Holden, Esq.
Cipriani & Werner, PC, Mt. Laurel
Gary La Spisa, II
Vice President, Insurance Council of New Jersey, Trenton
Michael F. Midlige, Esq.
Midlige Richter, LLC, Basking Ridge
Lawrence R. Pacifico, Esq.
Pacifico & Lawrence, LLC, Woodbridge

The latest on seeking PIP benefits and more!

Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) is medical coverage included in your automobile insurance policy that provides reimbursement for necessary medical expenses related to an automobile injury. New Jersey is a “no fault’ state, which means, regardless of fault, medical treatment is paid for by the injured party’s own automobile insurance carrier’s PIP Benefits. When a client who has been injured in an automobile accident comes into your office, you need to be familiar with the arbitration process, as well as case law and recent developments.  

Our expert panel will share their knowledge and highlight some of the latest issues they encounter in their cases. 

Program Agenda:

  • 9:00 | Welcome
  • 9:05 | Latest data and administrative tips from Forthright - Mark T. Connell, Esq.
  • 9:30 | Review of Goyco v. Progressive Insurance Company involving the application of PIP benefits to low-speed vehicles (i.e. segways, e-bikes, scooters, etc.) - Nicole Cassata, Esq. and Patricia W. Holden, Esq.
  • 10:00 | Panel discussion- impact of Goyco
    - Coverage issues- do segways/e-bikes need to be insured and listed on a policy?
    - Legislative proposals
    - Effect on Forthright system
    - Application of the case to basic PIP principles, litigants, carriers and the system
  • 10:20 | Break
  • 10:30 | Safe Passing Law which sets requirements for registration and insurance for “personal conveyances” - Gary La Pisa, II, VP
  • 11:00 | The basics of handling PIP as a BI attorney - Lawrence R. Pacifico, Esq.
  • 11:30 | Insurance Fraud Prevention Act (IFPA) the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and PIP - Shannon Carroll, Esq.
  • 11:50 | Issues with burdens of proof – Michael F. Midlige, Esq.;  Robert A. Cappuzzo, Esq.
  • 12:20 | Case Law Update - Robert A. Cappuzzo, Esq.
  • 12:30 | Adjourn

PLUS - Hear a discussion of the Goyco case involving the application of PIP benefits to low-speed vehicles (i.e. segways, e-bikes, scooters, etc.) by people who were involved in the decision.

Join us for a morning of enlightening discussion on what’s happening in New Jersey PIP law.