May 20, 2016
Contact: Kate Coscarelli 732-937-7548 or [email protected]
Atlantic City — Miles S. Winder III became immediate past president of the New Jersey State Bar Association at the association’s annual dinner and installation of officers during the Annual Meeting and Convention at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa in Atlantic City.
A solo attorney from Somerset County, Winder said his term as president of the association was one of the most exciting of his life.
Winder, 68, worked on expanding the association’s efforts to make the profession more diverse and inclusive, furthering its efforts to increase opportunities for the state’s unemployed and underemployed lawyers, studying the future of the profession, and continuing to be a voice promoting the importance of a fair and impartial judicial branch.
“It has been a wonderful year. We confronted many challenges head-on and I am confident that this organization is better, stronger, more open, and more diverse and inclusive. And we have remained true to our core mission and advanced significant issues, such as standing up for the critical importance of judicial independence,” said Winder. “It’s always been important to me that I give back or pay forward the wonderful things that have been given to me as a result of my being able to practice law.”
During his tenure as president, Winder testified about the future of the legal profession and the import role lawyers play protecting the rights of citizens; appeared in Trenton to discuss filing fees, court rules and legislative matters; launched a Leadership Academy to give attorneys the skills they need to become leaders in the profession and community; and helped raise enough money to provide over 140,000 meals through Lawyers Feeding New Jersey 2016.
He is a former chair of the NJSBA's Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section and currently serves on its board of consultors. Winder is a past president and current trustee of the Somerset County Bar Foundation; past president of the Somerset County Bar Association; and a member of the Florida, Colorado and American Bar associations. He is a former member of the trustee board of Northwest Jersey Legal Services.
Winder was a member of the New Jersey Death Penalty Study Commission and was formerly chair of both the District XIII Fee Arbitration and Ethics committees. He serves as a special master for complex ethics matters for the New Jersey Supreme Court and has been a counselor to the David Furman Joseph Halpern Inn of Court. Additionally, Winder is a professor at Raritan Valley Community College in Branchburg.
He practices estate litigation, estate planning and administration, contracts, real estate, and commercial law. He received his law degree from the University of Denver.
He is married to Carol Ann Winder, the executive director of the Somerset County Bar Association, and has two children and one grandchild.
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Winder is Immediate Past President of New Jersey State Bar Association
Contact: NJSBA Communications Department
Tel: 732-937-7527
Email: [email protected]