Women Navigating Midlife
Date: Feb 1, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Areas of Law: For All Attorneys
Earn up to 2.4 credits, including 2.4 in Diversity! (More Information)
“It’s hard to imagine a life stage that’s more misunderstood than midlife. Not only is there no roadmap: you should consider yourself lucky if you actually manage to spot a road sign announcing that you’ve arrived.” – Ann Douglas
Women leave law for many reasons in the early stages of their careers. What we have not yet explored is our reasons for leaving law in midlife. Many women in midlife continue to balance family responsibilities with adult children and aging parents, all while navigating personal and physical midlife changes and challenges. Law firms have much to gain if they meet their midlife women lawyers, with decades of experience and secure professional relationships, where they are. There is a real opportunity to co-create a work environment that encourages retention, which we will explore in beginning this important dialogue.
For mid-life women lawyers: what would you love at this stage in your life and career? What do you think you have to offer that isn't being tapped into or valued?
For law firms: what can you offer your midlife women lawyers to inspire their leadership, creativity, and mentorship?
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