Find Joy in Practicing Law with NJICLE

Learn how joyfulness and empathy practices will make you a more effective lawyer and litigator in this special NJICLE seminar on Dec. 30. The program will help you prevent burnout, develop empathy for clients, improve colleague relations and handle pressure and...

Walk the Diversity Talk with Sean Carter and NJICLE

Join Sean Carter, humorist at law on Dec. 31 for a serious look at eliminating bias. In this new NJCILE program, lawyers will learn how to translate their insights about implicit bias into actionable steps to reduce bias in their own decision-making and in the...

Explore Implicit Bias in the Law with NJICLE

Join NJICLE on Dec. 27 for a seminar about implicit bias, or unconscious bias, and the role it can play in interactions between people of a different race, socioeconomic status, religion or sexual orientation. The program will discuss practical strategies to identify...