13th Annual Probate Symposium
Date: Oct 27, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Areas of Law:
The Annual Probate Symposium is back this year to get you on top of the trending issues and topics for all things Probate related. Hear from an expert panel of skilled practitioners about the most contemporary state and federal statutory, caselaw, legislative, and court policy information. Integrate this new information with the tried-and-true tactics and strategies the panelists have gleaned from years of experience to help you avoid or deal with Probate traps and minefields you face every day. This is the can’t miss Probate event of the year!
Important Information About Our Events, Meetings, and More:
To secure your spot and receive important updates about our events, meetings, and other gatherings, such as schedule changes, remember to register in advance.
Digital Materials & Environmental Commitment: As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, unless otherwise noted, all seminar materials are provided as digital downloads. You can access these materials through:
- The “My Links” section at the top of our website for in-person or online events
- Or, for online programs, the event access link included in your joining instructions
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
If you need to cancel your registration and are not transferring to another program or date, please submit a written request to us at least three business days before the event, meeting, or gathering. You will receive a refund minus a $20.00 cancellation fee. No refunds or registration changes will be issued within three business days of the event, meeting, or gathering.
Stay Informed:
Registered participants will be notified of any schedule changes. For updates regarding inclement weather, please check your email or visit NJSBA.com.
Media Consent:
By participating in our events, meetings, or other gatherings, you agree to be photographed and/or recorded. Additionally, all media content captured during these gatherings will become the property of NJSBA. This content, including your image and name, may be used in our future promotional materials without additional consent or compensation.
Scholarship & Financial Assistance Policy:
Read our Scholarship & Financial Assistance Policy and submit an Application here: https://njsba.com/njicle/cle-programs/scholarship/