Civil Discovery Workshop
Date: May 31, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Areas of Law: Civil
Discovery is an essential part of every case and is often the most important part of the litigation process. Arguably, cases are won or lost during the discovery phase. The scope of written and oral discovery available under the New Jersey Court Rules and case law is extremely broad and can be effectively (and sometime abusively) utilized in all types of civil cases. Litigators routinely ignore, avoid, and fail to conform to discovery requests and practice obstructionist tactics in all forms of discovery, while pushing the boundaries of discovery that they seek. There is often a thin line between permissible and harassing discovery.
These aspects of discovery will be candidly explored by experienced attorneys from
different perspectives and varied substantive practice areas. Make plans to attend this thorough and productive new workshop on civil discovery today.
Walk away with strategies and important information that can be put to work right away in your practice, including:
- The importance and timing of discovery
- Pushing permissible discovery to the limits
- Common practice to impede and obstruct discovery
- Dealing effectively with the difficult litigator in discovery
- Best Practices issues
- De bene esse depositions of lay and expert witnesses
- Special considerations when handling personal injury, medical malpractice, employment law and commercial litigation cases
- Extent of attorney/client privilege
- E-discovery issues
- Enforcement of subpoena of witness
- Case Management Conferences
- Interlocutory Appeals of discovery issues
- ...And much more!
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