Cybersecurity for NY Law Firms – What to Expect
Date: Dec 16, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Areas of Law:
According to an “ABA TechReport” the threat of a cybersecurity attack on law firms is at an all-time high. ABA Formal Opinion 483 starts with the following observation: “…the data security threat is so high that law enforcement officials regularly divide business entities into two categories: those that have been hacked and those that will be.” The report notes that same is likely the case for law firms.
Law firms are attractive targets for hackers because clients trust their lawyers with their most personal and valuable information. We hold everything from family secrets to details about financial assets and we must be vigilant, or we will inevitably expose this information and breach our duty of client confidentiality.
What can you do to protect yourself and your firm?
You don’t need to be a technology genius or even a tech-savvy person to safeguard your technology. Join Dr. Robert Spangler, Chief Information Officer for the NJ State Bar Association, Certificate in Cybersecurity from M.I.T. for some straightforward, simple procedures and information that will protect you from most breaches.
- What is a data breach? What does it mean to be "hacked"?
- What have been the most common breaches in 2022?
- The best practices for you, your partners, your associates and your support staff for keeping your firm secure
- Software that can help you protect against breaches
- The importance of cybersecurity insurance.
- Answers to your questions - no question is too simple - ask away!
- What is a data breach? What does it mean to be "hacked"?
- What have been the most common breaches in 2022?
- The best practices for you, your partners, your associates and your support staff for keeping your firm secure
- Software that can help you protect against breaches
- The importance of cybersecurity insurance.
- Answers to your questions - no question is too simple - ask away!
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