Dealing with Difficult Clients
Date: Oct 18, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Areas of Law:
Earn up to 3.3 credits, including 1.5 in Ethics! (More Information)
We’ve all been there. There are clients who are never satisfied. Or we see a particular name on a pleading or on the signature line of a letter and we think, “here we go again.” Some people aren’t happy unless they are miserable or making others miserable. You can’t change their behavior, but you can change how you deal with theirs so that you are calmer and, at the very least, you don’t let them ruin your day, week, or month.
Simple strategies make a big difference.
Conflict is a part of life, and as attorneys, it’s essential to learn how to handle people who seemingly thrive on it. In fact, when it comes to representing clients, understanding what drives difficult people and how to best react to outbursts, threats, and intimidation can often mean the difference between success and failure. In many cases, it can also mean the difference between your satisfaction or disenchantment with the legal profession. It’s a skill that some people innately have, but most of us must learn. This program is designed to provide you with a basic understanding of the issues, causes and characteristics underlying the thinking, feeling and behavior patterns of difficult people – as well as simple strategies you can use to resolve issues quickly and easily before they escalate.
This program also explores the complexity of human behavior – including a discussion on why people act in ways that are directly contrary to their self-interest.
- General techniques and strategies for managing difficult, challenging clients and impossible adversaries.
- A review of the personality disorders, the traits, and characteristics of individuals who approach life with a certain pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving.
- How to recognize and handle clients or adversaries experiencing Major Mood Disorders, substance use disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), pathological anger, and anxiety based disorders
- How to develop awareness of our self-defeating traits, thinking patterns,
and behaviors which cause conflicts with our clients and adversaries.
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