New Jersey Search and Seizure Law

Date: Mar 25, 2024 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Location: Online

Member Price: $159

Non-Member Price: $199

Section Price: $149

Event Code: I142824

Areas of Law: Criminal Law

Earn up to 3 credits! (More Information)





Hon. Ronald Susswein, J.A.D.
Angelo J. Onofri, Esq.
Former Mercer County Prosecutor
Hinkle Prior & Fischer, P.C., Lawrenceville
John P. Velez, Esq.
Arbore Velez, LLC, Netcong
Blair R. Zwillman, Esq.
The Law Office of Blair R. Zwillman, Morristown

Presented in cooperation with the NJSBA Criminal Law Section

Delve into the dynamic realm of search and seizure law, where complexities are ever evolving. Whether it's the scrutiny of automobile, home or school searches, the landscape is constantly shifting. Join us for a timely program led by a distinguished panel of criminal law experts poised to dissect recent cases, explore emerging trends and offer invaluable practice insights beneficial for both seasoned and novice attorneys, as well as prosecutors and defense counsel.

Expand your expertise in search and seizure practices and gain indispensable strategies tailored for the cases you handle, including:

  • Scrutinizing challenges to search warrants.
  • Navigating standards for field inquiries, stops, detentions, and arrests.
  • Understanding limited searches for weapons.
  • Mastering the nuances of consent searches.
  • Harnessing the power of inventory searches.
  • Unraveling the complexities of suppressing warrantless searches.
  • Assessing warrants with "no knock" provisions.
  • Grappling with the intricacies of seizing computer evidence.
  • Embracing new technological advancements in search and seizure cases.
  • Staying abreast of the latest case law developments.

Don't miss this opportunity to sharpen your knowledge and arm yourself with essential tips and strategies to effectively represent your clients in search and seizure matters.

Program Agenda:

  • 5:00 | Overview
  • 5:05 | A Whirlwind Tour - Hon. Ronald Susswein, JAD
  • 5:45 | Practice Tips: State v. Smart/The Auto Exception/Plain Smell Doctrine - Prosecutor Angelo Onofri
  • 6:15 | Caselaw Update - John P. Velez, Esq.
  • 6:45 | Federal v. State Law - Blair R. Zwillman, Esq.
  • 7:15 | Questions and Answers/ Panel Discussion
  • 7:30 | Adjourn

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 3 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ Criminal Trial Attorney Credit: 3.0, NJ General: 3.0).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Transitional: 3.0
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 2.5
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.

Important Information About Our Events, Meetings, and More:
To secure your spot and receive important updates about our events, meetings, and other gatherings, such as schedule changes, remember to register in advance.

Digital Materials & Environmental Commitment: As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, unless otherwise noted, all seminar materials are provided as digital downloads. You can access these materials through:

  • The “My Links” section at the top of our website for in-person or online events
  • Or, for online programs, the event access link included in your joining instructions 

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If you need to cancel your registration and are not transferring to another program or date, please submit a written request to us at least three business days before the event, meeting, or gathering. You will receive a refund minus a $20.00 cancellation fee. No refunds or registration changes will be issued within three business days of the event, meeting, or gathering.

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