NJ Judiciary’s Vision on Secure Digital Transformation
Date: Mar 27, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Areas of Law: For All Attorneys
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- Kim Madera
- State of NJ Judiciary
- Sajed Naseem
- Chief Information Security Officer
, Trentonis Chief Information Security Officer of the New Jersey Judiciary in Trenton, New Jersey, and has more than 20 years of experience with information technology and information security.
As the CISO of the NJ Judiciary, Mr. Naseem has focused on the human dynamic by measuring Cybersecurity Awareness (Knowledge, Behavior, Attitude) using mathematical models, Information Governance and Network Security. He has also been an Adjunct Professor at St. John’s University.
Mr. Naseem received his undergraduate degree from Stony Brook University and his Masters degrees from St. John’s University and Columbia University.
New Jersey Judiciary Leadership's Vision on Secure Digital Transformation for the Future
Secure digital transformation requires fundamental change to processes often involving revising values, norms, attitudes, and behaviors. For the New Jersey Judiciary, digital transformation is essential to the courts being able to meet our responsibilities and achieve our mission. This important presentation will discuss current and future transformative Judiciary initiatives that will help lead New Jersey into the information technology and information security so that we can continue to perform the work of the courts.
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