Public Utility Conference

Date: Apr 25, 2025 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Location: New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick,

Member Price: $203.00

Non-Member Price: $254.00

Section Price: $191.00

Event Code: I027425

Areas of Law: Public Utility

Earn up to 7.9 credits! (More Information)





Dr. Zenon Christodoulou
Commissioner, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Joe Cortes
Tatleaux Solar
Cynthia L. M. Holland, Esq.
Associate General Counsel, Exelon Corporation, Verona
Jayne J. Johnson, Esq.
Director of Equity, Office of the Governor, Trenton
Jay L. Kooper, Esq.
Middlesex Water Company, Iselin
Mark A. Lazaroff, Esq.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP
Stacy A. Mitchell, Esq.
American Water, Camden
Viet H. Ngo, Esq.
Associate Counsel, PSEG
Grace H. Park, Esq.
PSEG, Elizabeth
Greg Poulos
Executive Director, Consumer Advocates of PJM States
Mamie W. Purnell, Esq.
The Division of Rate Counsel, Trenton
Mark J. Stanisz
Associate General Counsel, PJM

Presented in cooperation with the NJSBA Public Utility Law Section 

Don’t miss the premier, full-day CLE and networking event of the year for New Jersey’s public utility law practitioners.     

Program Agenda:

  • 8:30 | Networking Breakfast

  • 9:00 | Welcome and Introduction from Section Chair - Mark A. Lazaroff, Esq.

  • 9:05 | Opening Remarks from BPU Commissioner Dr. Zenon Christodoulou 

  • 9:20 | Community Solar: Shining the Light on New Solar Development
    Community solar, where multiple households buy solar from shared systems, is intended to make solar more broadly accessible by reducing initial costs and removing barriers to entry for renters and residents of multifamily buildings. The panel will begin with a broad discussion of New Jersey’s community solar program, its enabling legislation, the BPU regulations, and tariffs.  We will then hear from a developer, the local community, a utility and more, as we explore different perspectives on this emerging program in New Jersey. 

    - Moderator: Mamie W. Purnell, Esq.
    - Panel: Joe Cortes     

  • 10:50 | Break

  • 10:55 | Large Loads, Co-location, and the Cause for New Jersey
    The integration of new large load customers, such as data centers, has been identified as necessary for economic development, national security, and more. This timely topic has captivated regulatory commissions at the national and state levels. Today’s panel is intended to provide an overview of the topic and its significance to New Jersey, discussing the different perspectives about the effect of co-location on the markets, the ratepayers, the economy, the environment, and more. Following this panel, you should have all the data to come to your own conclusions.

    - Moderator: Dr. Zenon Christodoulou, BPU Commissioner
    - Panel: Mark J. Stanisz; Cynthia L. M. Holland, Esq.; Viet H. Ngo, Esq. and Greg Poulos

  • 12:30 | Lunch Break

  • 1:00 | Here Come the Generals: New Jersey Utilities General Counsel Roundtable
    In this panel, we will hear from the general counsels of several of New Jersey’s leading utility companies. They will share their personal journey and experience in the role. They will also discuss issues of importance to them in the upcoming year.  Look forward to a candid conversation over a morning cup of coffee as we start our annual conference with these accomplished chief legal officers.

    - Panel: Jay L. Kooper, Esq.; Stacy A. Mitchell, Esq. and Grace H. Park, Esq.

  • 2:30 | Break

  • 2:45 | The Ethics of Diversity Equity and Inclusion
    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or DEI –we hear the term thrown around a lot, but do we really understand what it means or why it is important? Why does the bar require a minimum of two continuing legal education credits concentrated in diversity, inclusion, and elimination of bias? Director Jayne J. Johnson from the state’s Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging will give an overview of what DEI is, and what it is not, and why it should be important to you. Following Director Johnson’s presentation, a distinguished panel of various law firm DEI officers will discuss the significance of these programs and what they mean for practicing legal professionals. We will hear from counsel on the front lines implementing these DEI policies, gaining a greater understanding of the status of DEI programs today and why DEI programs are so important to the work that we do as legal professionals in the utility sector.

    - Presenter: Jayné Johnson, Esq.

  • 5:00 | Adjourn

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 7.9 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ General: 7.9).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Non-Transitional: 7.5
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 6.5
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.

Important Information About Our Events, Meetings, and More:
To secure your spot and receive important updates about our events, meetings, and other gatherings, such as schedule changes, remember to register in advance.

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  • The “My Links” section at the top of our website for in-person or online events
  • Or, for online programs, the event access link included in your joining instructions 

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