Recusal and Disqualification Made Easy
Date: Oct 26, 2023 12:00 p.m. – 1:40 p.m.
Location: Online
Member Price: $100
Non-Member Price: $125
Areas of Law: Ethics
Earn up to 2 credits, including 2.0 in Ethics! (More Information)
- Carol Johnston, Esq.
- Supreme Court Clerk’s OfficeNew Jersey Supreme Court Clerk’s Office in Trenton, New Jersey, joined the Administrative Office of the Courts in 2006 and serves as Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Professional Ethics, the Committee on Attorney Advertising and the Committee on the Unauthorized Practice of Law. She also answers the attorney ethics research assistance hotline.
Ms. Johnston formerly served as a Deputy Attorney General with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, Division of Law, for 15 years. She was Ethics Officer for the Department of Law and Public Safety and a member of the Prosecutor’s Code of Ethics Committee.
Ms. Johnston has lectured for ICLE, the American Law Institute-American Bar Association (ALI-ABA), the New Jersey State Bar Association, the New Jersey Judiciary, the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys, and several county bar associations and American Inns of Court. In 2017 she was the recipient of ICLE’s Distinguished Service Award for Excellence in Continuing Legal Education.
Ms. Johnston is a graduate of Hamilton College and New York Law School. She clerked for Chief Justice Robert N. Wilentz. - Rubin M. Sinins, Esq
- Javerbaum Wurgaft, Springfield
Earn ethics credits at this luncheon program while you master the rules that govern situations when attorneys must disqualify themselves from handling a case, & judges must recuse themselves from hearing a case.
LITIGATORS… How many times has your case been assigned to be heard by a judge who you believe has a conflict, i.e. personal friends with one of the parties, previously represented one of the parties, or in some way is prejudiced against your client? Judges can be requested to disqualify themselves by either party or counsel, or they can disqualify themselves on their own if a conflict of interest exists. At this all-new crash course, you’ll pick up a complete understanding of the issues that may justify recusal and a virtual tool chest of ideas to use when you find yourself in a difficult situation.
TRANSACTIONAL ATTORNEYS… How about a conflict that may exist if you represent certain clients? It is critical that you understand the rules that govern when you must disqualify yourself from situations that pose a conflict.
This highly requested Luncheon Webinar will enhance your ability to recognize recusal and disqualification situations. Knowing how to handle these situations can protect you from potential malpractice claims and ensure your good standing status as an attorney.
Register today to earn 1/2 of your required ethics credit from the convenience of your office, during your lunch, while you master the rules that govern situations when attorneys must disqualify themselves from handling a case, and judges must recuse themselves from hearing a case.
Who Should Attend?
- Litigators - What you learn at this program can be the key to success for any practitioner who goes to court, including trial attorneys, labor & employment lawyers, family law practitioners, corporate lawyers, and general practitioners. You’ll learn to identify situations when a judge should be disqualified if a conflict of interest exists, and situations where you may need to disqualify yourself.
- Transactional Attorneys – What you learn at this program will sensitize you to potential conflicts that may exist when accepting or handling matters for your clients. You’ll learn to identify situations when you should disqualify yourself from representing clients based upon previous matters you or your colleagues may have handled.
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