Replay – DWI Forum 2024: The Essential Update
Date: Jun 15, 2024 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Member Price: $199
Non-Member Price: $250
Areas of Law: Municipal Court Practice
Earn up to 4.5 credits, including 0.6 in Ethics and 0.6 in Diversity! (More Information)
- Greggory M. Marootian, Esq.
- Marootian Law Office, Livingston
- Donna Sigel Platt, Esq.
- Donna Sigel Platt, P.C., Stratford
- Hon. Jonathan H. Rosenbluth
- Presiding Municipal Court Judge
Madison Joint Municipal Court - Rachel L. Kugel, Esq.
- The Kugel Law Firm, New York
- Herbert H. Leckie, JD
- DWI-DRE Consulting Services, Lebanon
- Evan M. Levow, Esq.
- Levow DWI Law, P.C., Cherry Hill
- Brian W. Mason, Esq.
- Mason Thompson LLC, Dover
- Ashley E. Shapiro, Esq.
- Stradley Ronon, Philadelphia
Best of NJICLE Replay
Don't miss this opportunity to catch up on the DWI Forum 2024: The Essential Update you missed!
Presented in cooperation with the Municipal Court Practice Section
At this Annual Advanced DWI Practice program, New Jersey’s top experts highlight current topics and essential updates every DWI practitioner should know. If you are a judge, prosecutor, or DWI defense attorney, you won’t want to miss out on this important seminar to keep you at the very top of your game!
Hot button issues of 2024 will be discussed, including Judge Glenn Grant’s recent memo addressing plea bargains in drunken driving cases.
Topics include:
- DWIs with Out of State Drivers (Reciprocity in PA and NY - Ashley E. Shapiro, Esq. & Rachel L. Kugel, Esq.)
- New DWI Law
- Judicial Perspective on Pre-Trial and Trial Issues affecting DWI-DUID cases; Possible shift in Operation Determinations and PCR Motions
- Taking the Mystery out of Drug DWIs/Olenowski, Bealor and Rowek
- Presentation by Herbert H. Leckie, JD of DWI-DRE Consulting Services, Inc.
- A look into the NEW Alcotest - Alcotest 9510
- DRE - Post Olenowski - Ethics: Panel Discussion on the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Judges, Prosecutors, Defense Attorneys and Experts
- Advertising (See, NJ Law Journal Advertising Article; See Ethics Article)
- Information affecting sentencing
- Confidential client information
- Advising clients of penalties for future DWIs
- Retainer Agreement
- Prosecutor’s obligation to reveal legal issues affecting DWI
- Defense/Prosecutor’s obligation to reveal Core document issues
- Defense obligations to file Motions and Appeals
- Expert’s dealings with client
- Foreign National clients
- Judicial Cannons
- Substituting defense attorneys - Diversity: Effectively, respectfully, and professionally dealing with defendants from different cultures and backgrounds
- Helpful Hints/Hot tips for DWI practitioners and Municipal Prosecutors
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