Replay – Keys to Practicing in Special Civil Part
Date: Nov 18, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.
Location: Online
Member Price: $190.00
Non-Member Price: $250.00
Section Price: $0.00
Areas of Law: Civil Trial Bar
Earn up to 4 credits! (More Information)
- Gerard J. Felt, Esq.
- Pressler Felt & Warshaw LLP, Parsippanyis a Partner in Pressler, Felt & Warshaw, LLP in Parsippany, New Jersey, where he has concentrated his practice in legal collections for 30 years. He has also promoted and fought legislation involving legal collections and collection practices.
Admitted to practice in New Jersey, Mr. Felt has been a member of the New Jersey State and Morris County Bar Associations, the Commercial Law League, the New Jersey American Collection Association and the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys (NARCA). He has been President of the New Jersey Creditors Bar Association. He has sat on the Board of Directors of the Consumer Credit Association of Metropolitan New York and is a member of the Commercial Lawyers Bar. A founder and the Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Creditors Bar Association, Mr. Felt has been a member of the New Jersey Association of Collection Agencies and has served as Chair and Legislative Liaison for the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Special Civil Part Committee. He has served as a member of the Supreme Court Rules Committee on the Special Civil Part and has been appointed to the Supreme Court Special Advisory Committee on Information Technology.
A long-time lecturer for ICLE’s Skills and Methods Course on Collection Practice, Mr. Felt has also lectured for the New Jersey State Bar Association, Lorman Education Services and the New Jersey Judicial College Conference on Best Practices in the Special Civil Part. He was a panelist on the Supreme Court’s Workshop on Post Judgment Enforcement and has testified before State Legislative bodies as the Special Civil Part representative for the New Jersey State Bar Association and the New Jersey Creditors Bar Association.
Mr. Felt received his B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany and his J.D. from Ohio Northern University.
- Hon. William Anklowitz, J.S.C.
- Special Civil Part Supervising Judge - Mercer County
Mercer County Courthouse - Christina F. Blunda, Esq.
- Office of Attorney Ethics
- Lauren J. Keating, Esq.
- Lyons, Doughty & Veldhuis, PC, Marlton
- Danielle Reso
- Administrative Office of the Courts
- Sung Lo Yoon, Esq.
- Ehrlich, Petriello, Gudin, Plaza & Reed, P.C., Newark
Best of NJICLE Replay
Don't miss this opportunity to catch up on the Keys to Practicing in Special Civil Part program you missed!
Special Civil Part practice is unique. There are set types of cases that can be heard in this forum that carry specific filing fees and jurisdictional limits on recovery. You also must be aware of and comply with the Best Practice Rules that apply to the Special Civil Part. In order to expedite your cases through the Special Civil Part you also need to understand the differences involved when handling Small Claims Court cases, Special Civil Part cases and Tenancy matters.
Our panel of Special Civil Part experts will share practice tips with you as they provide a road map for practicing in Special Civil Part.
Topics include:
- Overview - Gerard J. Felt, Esq.
- Highlights of practicing in Special Civil Part with discussion of (1) the similarities and differences between Law Division and Special Civil Part and (2) Small Claims (SC) and Special Civil Part (DC) - Hon. William Anklowitz, JSC
- Small Claims - Hon. William Anklowitz, JSC; Christina F. Blunda, Esq.
- Using and Understanding E-Courts/JEDS and Filing Fees - Danielle Reso
- Prejudgment - Uncontested and Contested Special Civil (DC and SC Cases) - Lauren J. Keating, Esq.
- Service of process, re-service, default judgment requests
- Contested issues – motions, discovery, trial, etc.
- Scheduling and adjournments
- Rule changes, i.e., assignment of claims, problems of proof
- Actions cognizable and not cognizable (Writ of Possession, Forfeiture, Unlawful Detainer actions, etc.)
- Post-Judgment – Goods and Chattel Writs, Wage Garnishments, Statements for Docketing - Gerard J. Felt, Esq.
- Outline of various post-judgment remedies available
- Processing papers, requesting costs
- Service and execution; role of the Special Civil Part Officer and their statutory commission
- Rule changes, i.e., writ and wage forms, information subpoenas, exempt funds
- Disputed issues (exemption claims, wage objections)
- Landlord Tenant Cases - Sung Lo Yoon, Esq.
- Mediation in Special Civil Part - Hon. William Anklowitz, JSC
- Special Civil Part Officer Duties and Directives/Working with the Court Officer - Christina F. Blunda, Esq.
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