The Essential Guide to Bankruptcy and Restructuring 2023

Date: May 25, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Location: Online

Event Code: I044623

Areas of Law: Bankruptcy

Earn up to 4 credits, including 1.0 in Ethics! (More Information)





The comprehensive and easy-to-understand bankruptcy and restructuring seminar that attorneys have wished for. This innovative seminar is packed with information about both consumer and business matters, from varying viewpoints and perspectives, and with discussion time allotted to alternatives, paralegal skills and training, and ethical considerations. There is also an overview of how COVID-19 has impacted all of these topics.

Register today to gain clarity into the world of bankruptcy & restructuring - this seminar will give you the confidence you need to begin navigating both federal and state debtor/creditor proceedings.

Learn the basics of handling bankruptcy & restructuring matters in your practice, including:

• Origins and purposes of bankruptcy law
• Role of Bankruptcy Courts and jurisdictional/venue considerations
• Introduction to the Bankruptcy Code
• Introduction to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, and the Local Rules
• Understanding the bankruptcy estate and debtor/creditor rights pre- and post-filing
• Individual bankruptcies under Chapters 7, 11 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code
• Corporate/business association bankruptcies under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code
• Introduction to the “other Chapters”: Chapters 9 and 12
• Involuntary petitions
• Understanding the administration of the bankruptcy estate: trustee versus debtor-in-possession
• Creditor strategies and the claims/distribution process
• Trustees and their powers of avoidance
• Treatment of liens, contracts, and leases
• Role of other types of participants: restructuring officers, creditor committees, ombudsman, and more
• Overview of mid-to-higher level issues and strategies for corporate bankruptcies
• Bankruptcy alternatives
• The impact of COVID-19 on the practice

Ethical considerations to be discussed include:
• Attorney’s duties under Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA)
• Debtor’s duties and obligations under the Bankruptcy Code
• Trustee’s duties and obligations in administering the bankruptcy estate
• Cooperating with the Office of the United States Trustee
• Debtor-in-possession: umpire or advocate?
• Conflicts of interest

Paralegal perspectives to be discussed include:
• Overview of local bankruptcy forms - recommended versus approved
• Overview of electronic filing and the electronic docket
• Managing client intake
• Overview of the bankruptcy petition, schedules, and statement of financial affairs
• Income and debt limitations for each Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code, and means-testing
• Notice and service of process concerns
• Exemptions including state versus federal
• Complete petition filing versus emergency filing

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 4 hours of total CLE credit, including 1.0 in Ethics (Full Credits Available: NJ Ethics: 1.0, NJ General: 3.0).

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To secure your spot and receive important updates about our events, meetings, and other gatherings, such as schedule changes, remember to register in advance.

Digital Materials & Environmental Commitment: As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, unless otherwise noted, all seminar materials are provided as digital downloads. You can access these materials through:

  • The “My Links” section at the top of our website for in-person or online events
  • Or, for online programs, the event access link included in your joining instructions 

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If you need to cancel your registration and are not transferring to another program or date, please submit a written request to us at least three business days before the event, meeting, or gathering. You will receive a refund minus a $20.00 cancellation fee. No refunds or registration changes will be issued within three business days of the event, meeting, or gathering.

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