The Ultimate Bruce Springsteen CLE Program
Date: Oct 31, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Areas of Law:
If you like music, this CLE program is for you – in addition to picking up the latest legal strategies and information surrounding IP and copyrights (plus some ethics credits), renowned music expert and attorney Jim Jesse will play clips of some of the most famous – and compelling – music copyright claims, and will let you be the judge as you decide if you agree with the court’s decisions!
CLE + Bruce Springsteen + The Beatles
If you’ve ever found yourself singing along to Bruce Springsteen or the Beatles, this CLE Program is for you – don’t miss out on one of the nation’s most popular music + CLE mashups, and what promises to be a fast-paced and entertaining way to pick up the latest trends in one of the most practical areas of law… along with some ethics credits courtesy of the Beatles.
Featuring National Expert Jim Jesse
Jim Jesse is the founder of Rock N Roll Law and our program presenter. His programs on music CLE rank among the most popular in other states, and now he brings this program to us – this innovative and entertaining new course on the intersection of IP and ethics and Bruce Springsteen (with a little help from the Beatles) will entertain you and keep you humming long after the program has ended.
“We learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school.”
Jim will use the music of Bruce Springsteen as she shares some practical tips and strategies for handing basics of copyright law, and will provide insight into the exclusive rights are afforded by a copyright, what those rights mean under federal law and how to establish and register a copyright for your clients. You’ll also learn about some of the most famous and compelling copyright cases from the past, hear about some of the current cases, and listen to the songs in question to see if you agree with the courts’ decisions. By the end, you’ll walk away with a working knowledge of the most effective strategies for proving a copyright infringement case, calculating damages and defenses such as fair use.
As the former General Counsel for Cool Music Network and a singer/songwriter himself, Jim will explore how the music industry has changed over the years and how those changes have affected the law. He will also look to the future by examining issues of music streaming and sampling and how the way songs are constructed could lead to future controversies.
“I know your daddy don’t like me ‘cause I play in a rock n roll band…” The course will also explore user-generated content and the role of performing rights organizations in music.
Ethics: With A Little Help From Some Friends (the music of The Beatles)
The ethics portion of the this program CLE uses the final few years of The Beatles with a case study. Specific emphasis is placed on the ABA’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct (MRPC) 1.7 (conflict of interest—current client); 1.13 (Organization as a client); 1.14 (Client with Diminished Capacity); and 2.1 (Role as Advocate).
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