Will Drafting Fundamentals Post Pandemic
Date: Feb 6, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Areas of Law:
Earn up to 4 credits, including 1.0 in Diversity! (More Information)
Almost every lawyer gets asked at some point in their career to draft a will, whether for an existing client, relative, or friend. While you don’t have to be an expert, you do need to have a general understanding of the tax laws and the options you should consider in order to draft a document that will fulfill the wishes of your clients. Purchase today to learn everything you need to know to draft Wills that stand up to even the toughest scrutiny while getting the best results for the clients you represent. You’ll also learn important provisions that need to be included in a Will, as well as the procedures that are required for the proper execution of a Will.
This fundamental program is designed for general practitioners, new attorneys, and support staff who have little or no experience in Will drafting and will guide you step-by-step through the will-drafting process. It starts with the initial client interview and the ethical considerations you need to keep in mind while conducting it. Learn what questions to ask and how to ask them. From there, learn how to decide which options work best for individual clients and get different sample drafting ideas. Finally, discover the proper way to prepare the final document for execution. You’ll be able to see how seasoned estate planning attorneys fashion a Will—clause by clause.
Plus: you'll receive a comprehensive handbook to help you draft an execute rock-solid wills.
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