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Showing Filtered Results: Programs In The Family Law Track

1:30PM - 3:00PM

Doctors, Divorce and Health Law- Danger Zone

Family Law Track (Central Meeting Room 2/3)

The panel will address concerns for family lawyers when representing doctors and other health professionals. Some topics will include HIPAA and access to records of children and spouses in divorce and child custody matters; valuation/goodwill issues; corporate practice restrictions (e.g., restrictions on ownership by non-licensed spouse); active practice restrictions in facility ownership documents; confidentiality/reputation issues; reporting obligations to professional boards. 

Grace D. Mack, Esq., Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer P.A.

Nicole DiMaria, Esq., Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC
Timothy F. McGoughran, Esq., Law Office of Timothy F. McGoughran LLC

1:30PM - 3:00PM

Impact of U.S. Immigration Policies on Families: Legal and Emotional Consequences for Kids and Equitable Distribution

Family Law Track (Signature)

Several aspects of the incoming federal administration’s policy on immigration will have significant effects on families. Those proposed policy changes include the aggressive deportation of undocumented immigrants, strict border and wall control, enhanced enforcement within the U.S., particularly in sanctuary cities, and the increase of worksite raids, and the elimination of Temporary Protected Status and the DACA programs. This seminar will discuss the effects that these policies will have on the children and families remaining here in the state of New Jersey when a family member is deported or affected by the policy changes detailed herein. Topics for discussion will include: the effect on the ownership and management of assets (real property, bank accounts) and the necessary shift in custody arrangements that will occur, including perhaps the relocation of the child.

Hon. Angela W. Dalton, J.S.C. (Ret.), Law Office of Hon. Angela W. Dalton, J.S.C. (Ret.)
Hon. Marcia Silva, J.S.C. (Ret.), Silva & Stahl, LLC
Cesar M. Estela, Esq., Law Offices of Cesar Martin Estela
Aleksandra Gontaryuk, Esq., AG Law Firm
Jerard Gonzalez, Esq., Bastarrika, Soto, Gonzalez & Somohano, LLP

1:30PM - 3:00PM

New Jersey Child Welfare Law: An Essential Primer

Family Law Track (Studio 2)

This panel will offer attendees a thorough overview of the issues involved in litigating child welfare cases in New Jersey. It will cover essential legal information that practitioners need to know during the pre-litigation phase, trial phase, and potential crossover issues affecting case outcomes. The panel, comprising attorneys from the Office of Parental Representation, Office of the Law Guardian, and Office of the Attorney General, will provide practice tips and considerations from the initial filing of the complaint through case closure. 

Rachel Rosenblum, Esq., Office of the Public Defender

William T. Harvey, Jr., Esq., Office of Attorney General
Denise Meyer, Esq., Office of the Public Defender
Israel Segarra, Jr., Esq., Office of the Public Defender

1:30PM - 3:00PM

Ethics in Family Law ADR

Family Law Track (Salon C)

Most family law practitioners spend a substantial part of their practice in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Learn the specific ethics considerations when practicing in this area as a mediator, arbitrator, parenting coordinator, or attorney representing clients in Alternative Dispute Resolution. 

Cheryl E. Connors, Esq., Tonneman & Connors, LLC

Robin C. Bogan, Esq., Pallarino & Bogan LLP
Derek M. Freed, Esq., SeidenFreed, LLC
Bonnie C. Frost, Esq., Chair, Ethics Diversionary Program , Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost, Botwinick, Nunn & Musmanno, PC.
Jennifer Stone Hall, Esq., McKenna, DuPont, Higgins & Stone PC
Lauren A. Miceli, Esq., Arndt, Sutak & Miceli, LLC
Christopher R. Musulin, Esq., Musulin Law Firm, LLC

3:45PM - 5:15PM

Domestic Violence

Family Law Track (Salon C)

This program explores tips and techniques for new and cutting-edge issues in domestic violence matters. It will address how bias impacts case handling and explore domestic violence statistics. The panel will also explore how the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act should be used as a shield and not a sword. 

Catherine Ansello Murphy, Esq., Law Offices of Paone Zaleski & Murphy

Hon. Gary Potters, J.S.C., Law Office of Hon. Gary Potters, J.S.C.
Hon. Marcia Silva, J.S.C. (Ret.), Silva & Stahl, LLC
David J. Bruno, Esq., The Bianchi Law Group, LLC
Alix Claps, Esq., Heymann & Fletcher
Carmen M. Diaz, Esq., Chair, Family Law Department , Goodgold West Diaz Bennett & Klein, LLC
Jhanice V. Domingo, Esq., Pashman Stein Walder Hayden, PC.
Jeralyn L. Lawrence, Esq., Lawrence Law, LLC
Andrew J. Rhein, Esq., Manzi Epstein Lomurro & DeCataldo, LLC

8:45AM - 10:00AM

Resistant Litigants - Strategies to Deal with Uncooperative Parties

Family Law Track (Salon C)

Family law cases involving resistant litigants are among the most challenging. This program will explore how to address roadblocks in the discovery process with uncooperative parties and strategies for dealing with parties who violate court orders including sanctions, powers of attorney and other methods to gain compliance. 

Robert A. Epstein, Esq., Manzi Epstein Lomurro & Decataldo

Hon. Marc R. Brown, P.J.F.P., NJ Superior Court
Hon. Marcella Matos Wilson, J.S.C., Superior Court of NJ
Lizanne J. Ceconi, Esq., Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks
Alexandra M. Freed, Esq., SeidenFreed, LLC
Karin Duchin Haber, Esq., Haber Silver & Russoniello
Beatrice E. Kandell, Esq., Skoloff & Wolfe PC
Timothy F. McGoughran, Esq., Law Office of Timothy F. McGoughran LLC
Susan Miano, CPA, ABV, CFF, CBIZ
Matheu D. Nunn, Esq., Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost, Botwinick, Nunn & Musmanno, PC.

1:15PM - 2:45PM

How to Maximize and Optimize ADR in Family Law Cases

Family Law Track (Salon C)

Learn strategies for maximizing Alternative Dispute Resolution in your family law cases. This panel will explore ways to utilize mediation, arbitration, parenting coordination, and collaborative principles to assist with moving family law cases towards resolution. Other Related Tracks: Dispute Resolution 

Jeffrey Fiorello, Esq., Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf LLP

Hon. Supti Bhattacharya, J.S.C., Superior Court of New Jersey
Hon. Bonnie J. Mizdol (Ret.), Ferro Labella & Weiss LLC
Hon. Angela W. Dalton, J.S.C. (Ret.), Law Office of Hon. Angela W. Dalton, J.S.C. (Ret.)
Candice L. Drisgula, Esq., Drisgula Divorce & Family Law
Stephanie Lomurro, Esq., Manzi Epstein Lomurro & DeCataldo, LLC
Megan S. Murray, Esq., The Family Law Offices of Megan S. Murray
Sheryl J. Seiden, Esq., SeidenFreed, LLC

3:15PM - 4:45PM

High-Conflict Custody Matters

Family Law Track (Salon C)

This panel will discuss strategies in handling high conflict custody matters including using experts to perform best interests evaluations, preparing clients for such evaluations, interventions such as therapy and parenting coordination, interaction of DCPP matters and custody matters, and use of guardian ad litems or guardians for the children. 

Rita M. Aquilio, Esq., Lawrence Law

Hon. Marc R. Brown, P.J.F.P., NJ Superior Court
Hon. Dina M. Mikulka, Esq., Family Division of Superior Court in Sussex County, (Vicinage 10)
Thomas DeCataldo, Jr., Esq., Manzi Epstein Lomurro & DeCataldo, LLC
Stephanie F. Hagan, Esq., Hagan, Weisberg & Nunn, LLC
Francesca O'Cathain, Esq., Certified By the Supreme Court of New Jersey As a Matrimonial Attorney , O'Cathain Law Group
Dr. Marcy A. Pasternak, Office of Marcy A. Pasternak, PhD
Jenna Shapiro, Esq., Szaferman, Lakind, Blumstein & Blader, PC.
Lauren Sharp, Esq., Haber Silver Russoniello & Dunn
Albertina Webb, Esq., Sarno Da Costa D'Aniello Maceri Webb LLC

11:45AM - 1:15PM

Family Law Bench-Bar Conference

Family Law Track (Salon C)

Don’t miss this popular program that brings together practitioners with members of the bench to discuss the latest developments in the field. 

Christine Fitzgerald, Esq., SeidenFreed, LLC

Hon. Juliana Evelyn Blackburn, Judge, NJ Superior Court. Family Division
Hon. Daniel H. Brown, J.S.C., Middlesex County
Hon. Edward Hoffman, P.J.F.P, Burlington County, Superior Court
Hon. Jeyanthi C. Rajaraman, J.S.C., Judge, American Bar Association
Cheryl E. Connors, Esq., Tonneman & Connors, LLC
Jeffrey Fiorello, Esq., Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf LLP